Undergraduate and MA Research Opportunities

Are you an undergraduate orĀ  Master’s student who would like to gain experience in research on prejudice, implicit bias, social cognition, learning, and/or social neuroscience? The Amodio Lab welcomes new volunteer research assistants, and you can contact us at any time to apply for a position in the lab. Research assistants work primarily with doctoral students and postdocs in the laboratory and contribute to various stages of the research process while gaining valuable research experience. Generally, no previous research experience is necessary. However, we typically require that research assistants have taken courses in Introductory Psychology and Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. To apply for an undergraduate RA position, please send your CV/resume to join.snlab@gmail.com.

Postdoctoral Research Positions

There are no open postdoc positions in the lab at this time.

Doctoral Research Opportunities

Dr. Amodio is not currently considering applications for PhD students at this time.

Commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion

The Amodio Lab strongly values equity and fairness in opportunities and treatment for all people, and we promote diversity and inclusion in our work and in the broader academic and scientific communities. We encourage participation from members of all groups, especially those underrepresented in science, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, language, culture, nationality, religion, or physical ability.